Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Thought on the National Action Against Obesity...

Well anyone who knows me knows that my political views stray slightly right of the middle, so one would think that when reporting on a liberal group, such as the National Action Against Obesity (NAAO), I would be wholeheartedly against them. I mean, they would propose government intervention to keep toys out of Happy Meals at McDonalds to keep kids from wanting them so much. I, for one, would propose that government does not intervene in any part of our daily lives, but hey, what do I know? The government has only drastically failed at virtually every program it has attempted to fix or regulate (i.e. education, the postal service, border control, etc.). But I digress. Where I do agree with the NAAO is when they state the obvious fact that the majority of Americans are obese. Let me just set the record straight: if you are obese, for any reason other than diabetes, a thyroid disorder, or some other medical condition, I hate you. You are disgusting and everyone around you that has the common decency and self respect to take care of themselves is disgusted by you. Your 'condition' comes down to one thing: Laziness. Get your fat ass on a treadmill and get rid of those unholy layers of adipose tissue. Either that, or keep that rotund body of yours in the house so the rest of don't have to look at you.

But you know what the worst part about it is? That if, God forbid, you have children, you'll probably pass your repulsive habits on to them as well. This is what the NAAO calls Second Hand Obesity. It's where these chunky slobs are so apathetic and so inanely absorbed in the copious amount of trans fat that they themsleves absorb each day, that they can't think to have the human decency to feed their kids some fruits and veggies instead of that shit that they shovel down their own gullets. So you just end up this incredibly beefy family tree of fat.

Well, I guess this turned into more of a 'Fat Bashing' rant as opposed to a blog about the NAAO, but in conclusion, I'll just state that I agree with they're ideals, but think they should go about achieving they're goals in a different manner.

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