Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Thought on Homosexuality and Spiritual Salvation...

So the wife and I had a little debate earlier on about whether or not a homosexual individual can find a way into the kingdom of heaven. Now I consider myself a pretty devout Christian, and my wife is also believer in Christ Jesus, so would think that our views would be fairly in tune. However, she believes that since in the Bible, homosexuality is condemned by God (Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."), that a gay person cannot be saved. I, on the other hand, feel that even if a person takes Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior, acknowledges that he/she is a sinner, and asks God for forgiveness, regardless of sexual orientation, they can be saved.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't agree with a person's decision (yes, it is a decision to be gay...no one is born gay) to be a homosexual. And though I will not look down on a person or judge them for being such, I do believe it is a sin and against the will of God. However, since the Bible also states that all sin is equal (James 2:10, 1 John 3:4-5), it would be a bit hypocritical to think that one person who believes Jesus is our Savior and is not gay (but who is also is sinner), will go to heaven, while a person who is gay, and also believes Jesus is our Savior is condemned.

One of her chief arguments is that if a person is gay, and continues to pursue a homosexual lifestyle, even though they know it is wrong, than they aren't truly sorry for their sin and are not truly saved. I really can't argue against this point, because to a certain extent, I too believe that a person must see that they are a sinner and wish to be better. However, I believe the one true path to heaven is through faith in Christ Jesus, and if a person, regardless of who they are attracted too, honestly feels in their heart that Jesus died on the cross to wash away their sins, they will see the knigdom of God.

I know that I am a sinner. Through my thoughts, speech, and actions I commit countless sins every day. Now I know that I can't possibly remember to ask forgiveness for each individual one, but I ask God to take away all of my sins, and believe that Jesus died for me. I also ask him to take away any desire I may have to commit sin. Because of these things, I honestly believe that I will have salvation for all eternity, but I know I will always commit sin, because I have sinful flesh and am of weak mind and body. Now why can't this same situation apply to a homosexual? I am not under the belief that 'God hates gays' as some in the religious community think. He hates sin, and all sin is equal.

Now once again, I do not condone homosexuality in any way, shape, or form. I feel it is wrong in every facet, with sexual relationships meant to only be between men and women. Now am I right? Are they going to heaven? I don't know for certain. My wife may be entirely correct and there may be no remission for homosexuality. Frankly, though, it's not really for us to say. We'll all find our just reward or punishment in the end, when we're judged by God.

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