Monday, May 10, 2010

A Thought on Low-Rider Pick-Up Trucks...

Well, if you noticed the title, you can probably guess what I saw while driving to work today. Are you kidding me? It took me a moment to take it in and let my brain register, but yes, that's what it was. Now, all low-riders are stupid. They serve no purpose, and for all of you that have or want one, allow me to let you in on a little secret: They don't look cool. Cars, okay, I get it. They're already lower to the ground, and for some reason, you had an aneurysm or something and want it lower. Whatever. Even smaller pickups (i.e. S-10s, Frontiers, etc.), I can kind of almost see in a sick, twisted, half-retarded way. But not this guy. He had a Dodge Ram, man-sized truck almost scraping off the pavement. Come on dude. Seriously? This is what you want to spend your hard earned money on? I'll be completely honest, I was so dumbfounded at the lunacy of this inbred mongoloid's decision-making process, that only one word crossed my mind as he passed me going the other way: Idiot. So take comfort, guy, that 90% of the English speaking population that sees you thinks you're a moron. Congratulations. Your parents must be proud.

So a little piece of advice for all of you out there: If you really feel the need to be that much closer to the ground, do the rest of us a favor and buy a street luge. That way the people who drive trucks the way they're supposed to be driven can crush you into the asphalt if need be.


  1. Oh so now all mexicans are inbred?

  2. No, I didn't say anything about a matter of fact, the young man I witnessed driving this particular "pimped out ride" was a white there...jerk.
