Monday, April 26, 2010

A Quick Thought on Mud...

So this is gonna be short because it's late, it's been a long day, I'm kind of tired, and my wife might kill me if I spend too long on here instead of spending time with her.

But anyway, what's the deal with mud? I don't know if it serves any good purpose whatsoever...unless you like putting it on your face for whatever reason. But besides that, it royally sucks. It gets everywhere. It fits into little cracks in your shoes and gets under your fingernails. It's horrible to try to clean off of stuff, such as your carpet or your clothing. It also makes your skin feel all coarse and grimy.

So I'm at work today and we're driving, and the vehicle we're in is sliding all over the place because of the stupid truck even got stuck, although we eventually got it out. And walking around in the stuff is simply awful. Like the truck, I was constantly slipping, and after a few minutes of tromping around, it's like I'm wearing platform shoes because of the new layer added to the bottom of my footwear.

So seriously, what's the use? I mean, without even mentioning the millions of dollars in damage that mud slides cause those houses in California every year (I know, those people are retarded because they know that crap is gonna happen), everything else about it is just flat out annoying. Mud is like the mosquito of weather (I'll harp about mosquitos another day). Water, I like. And dirt has plenty of uses. But when you put them both together, all you get is mess.

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