Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Quick Thought on Family...

So once again a long day equals exaustion equals a short blog post. Today was my 27th Birthday (on the 27th, yes I know that makes it my Golden Birthday, whatever the hell that means). And my wife is awesome. I had a long day at work and she still managed to cook me an amazing dinner that finished right on time...plus she got me a cake which was delicious (I love you, Sweetheart). Just so everyone is aware, I have a fantastic family. I have quite possibly the greatest wife in history (why she likes me so much I haven't quite figured out yet), and two absolutely GORGEOUS little girls who never cease to surprise or amaze me. In July, our son will be born and our family will be complete. I am blessed beyond measure.

In case you don't know, or if you don't have one of your own, family is great. It's not always easy, and at times you may contemplate homicide, but the good times far outweigh the bad, and your loved ones will teach you what true joy really is. Even if you don't have a family yet, or even if you're not even married, you'll know what I'm talking about when you find it. Just remember that you're not perfect. And whoever it is you're with, even if you think they might be at times, they aren't perfect either. But the question you have to ask yourself is: Are you perfect for each other? If you can answer that possitively, then you know you've found someone truly special (like I did).

1 comment:

  1. I haven't figured out why she likes you either. And after reading this I threw up all over my desk....or my something I am NOT at work reading this. End of story.
