Thursday, December 22, 2011

Occupy what?

I think we've all heard about The Occupy Wallstreet movement. It started sometime in September of this year, has gained some popularity and noteriety, and continues to press on today. I remember when I first saw these retards out and about. I was in downtown Colorado Springs with my family headed to a store to pick up some new running shoes and there they were, posted up on the street corner. There were probably about a dozen of them with signs out there, and a couple of guys wearing Guy Fawkes(V for Vendetta) masks. Yeah dick heads, real original. I didn't know who these people were or what they were protesting then...just figured they were some idiots disgruntled about this or that.

So the other day I just happened to see something in print about the Occupy Wallstreeters (I'm just saying OW from here on, because I'm tired of typing it out), and thought to myself, "Huh, these dumbasses are still around...who would have thought?" And then I started wondering what exactly it is that they are protesting. They obviously don't like Wall Street, as they supposedly want to "occupy" if they would know what to do with if they did. It would simply turn into a giant fest of makeshift tents, body odor, and bong resin, with a couple idiots singing the wrong words to crappy songs on out-of-tune guitars. They also aren't big into the rich, I guess, and they probably want a lot of free stuff given to them so they don't have to work for it. These are just the ideas I've gathered myself by seeing their protests here and there.

But I wanted to dig deeper. I decided to do a little research to find out just what it is these douches want. I've got to tell you, it was painful.

I first came across an October 11th interview with Mark Bray, a spokesperson for OW, conducted by Hannah Kaviani. One of the first remarks from Bray that caught my eye was "Now, certainly what we want first and foremost is economic justice. We want a world where people have jobs, healthcare and so forth." Okay, I get that. Jobs are good. Healthcare is good. But what exactly does he mean by "economic justice"? He doesn't really elaborate on the point. So, we'll have to hold off on that one. Later on Hannah asks Bray about politicians joining the cause. "...some major politicians have actually come out to endorse it. One example is Nancy Pelosi, who is one of the most important Democrats in Congress, and she’s come out in support." Wow, Nancy Pelosi, huh? Now I know we're dealing with some real winners of society when they start garnering support from Nancy Pelosi, who we all know, is just the absolute pinnacle of justice and morality. I'd love to have her be in support of my cause! I'd cry it from the rooftops. I mean, it's not as though the country would be better served if her car ran head on into a train, right? Nancy Pelosi...give me a break.

So I decided this jabroni's article was getting me nowhere snd decided to try and find more productive fare. And lo and behold what did I come across but! I found an October 15th article written by Sally Kohn on this very topic. Now for those of you who aren't familiar with ol' Sally, she is a political commentator for and the Huffington Post among other things. That's putting it nicely. To be perfectly honest, she's about as far left as Joseph Stalin, and looks like the High Chief of the Bull Dyke clan.

Througout the article she repeatedly refers to the OW crowd as the "99%". Hmm, 99%...that's a lot. Well with the US popualtion currently around 309 million, that would mean that roughly 305 million people are all about this OW nonsense. I guess Sally's not too good with math. Pretty sure the actual number is probably in the ten thousands, but I couldn't find any real membership figures so that's really just an estimation. So, I'm not sure where Sally's getting her figures from, but I'd be under the assumption that the actual 99% of people in this nation either have no clue what OW is, or are completely indifferent.

One question she asked was "Will the "99%" persuade the "1%" to be more compassionate?" By this I assume she's referring to the top 1% earners in the country. Another example of a liberal ass clown drinking that yummy left-thinking Kool-Aid and not bothering to look up a thing like facts. Let's get down to the nitty gritty: The top 1% (that's anyone who nets more than $343,926 a year) pays over 36% of the taxes. If you want to include the top 10% ($112,124 or more), your up to over 70% of the taxes...psst, Sally, that's straight from the IRS. I know, research, weird.

And let's get specific and look at a few of the top earners in the country (or as liberals like Sally Kohn and Barack Obama like to call them, Satan's minions). Bill and Melinda Gates, arguably the wealthiest couple in America, gave away $29 billion to charity between 2000 and 2007. That's billion with a 'b'. 9 zeros. And through their Foundation plan to give away over 95% of their wealth eventually...sounds pretty compassionate to me. Warren Buffet, the multi-billion dollar CEO that OW hounds constantly has donated over 78% of his wealth...nearly $50 billion dollars! And in 2008 pledged to match the donations of the Gateses. How many of those worthless degenerate protesters donates 78% of their earnings? Oh, that's right none. They want everything for free from the one percenters. I really don't understand why people are demonized for being successful in this country. Is it a crime to work hard for your dreams and to provide for yourself and your family? It seems to me that the 1% is pretty damn compassionate.

Sally goes on to state that "Polls show this movement's message against corporate greed not only has wider support than either political party in Washington but wider support than the tea party." Once again, no references. No actual facts or citings of when or where these polls took place, but apparently the entire WORLD is in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Next November, you will see the new OW party with a candidate running for president.

She later starts talking about their goals and I'm thinking, okay, here we go, I'm actually going to find out what these useless half-witted boners are all about. But after talking with them, she keeps saying their goals might be, or this could mean that they want so and so. And then it hits me, this bitch doesn't even know! She's sitting here praising them because it's the PC thing to do and it's what her brainless liberal bosses want her to talk about. Time to move on.

So two articles down and the only real gist I've gotten about these illiterate sacs of yeast infection is that they basically just want to breed a nation of laziness, where a select few work really hard to support the intellectually inferior and motivationally challenged.

I decided to give it one more shot. Sally Kohn gave me an idea when she referenced the Tea Party in her article. This time I searched for the differences between Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party and...DING DING DING, we have a winner! I got, or the Colorado Springs Independent (good old Colorado Springs never lets me down). I found a November 3rd article by David Morris where the differences between the two movements are chronicled. Thank you, Jesus!

One of the first interesting points I came across about OW was that their demands effectively boil down to these: "Free us from the bondage of our debts and give us a basic ability to survive." Okay, so you choose to get yourself into debt, and because you have financial problems, the USG should just erase that debt for you because you are lazy, produce nothing of value, and provide no beneficial service to society. Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Morris cites a quote from Herman Cain (I know, not the most PC guy around, but he makes a point) where Cain recently stated, "Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." I don’t see how people don’t get this. I remember hearing stories of people turning down job offers because the money they would make would be less than they made on unemployment. Are you kidding me? Why is the money made on unemployment so high? How long can these worthless dredges to society stay on unemployment? Do they know where unemployment comes from? Sure, it’s a government program. The government pays the money. Oh, yes, and the government just has these stockpiles of money that they graciously hand out to the masses. Stockpiles that accumulate magically out of nowhere from pixie dust and monkey shit. I know this is going to blow your mind but pay close attention...the government has NO money. Did you get that? Any money that the government pays is from the people that pay taxes (We talked about them earlier. The OW folks wouldn't know anything about this paying taxes thing).

So I guess I never got a real straight answer about what OW stand for, but I guess that's because I'm sure most of these people don't know themselves. For whatever reason, they've fallen on hard times and needed someone to blame. Insert: the Social and Economic Elite. But honestly all it really comes down to is apathy and the desire to have others work for them while they do nothing.

Occupy Wallstreet demonizes big banks and the top earners of society, the people who show that the American Dream is a real and palpable thing. Simply put, if you hunker down, work hard, and put your mind to achieving a goal, you can accomplish anything. Apparently, if you are a well-earning, successful person in America these days, you are the enemy. America is the Land of Oppurtunity, where all men (and women) are created equal. That doesn’t mean that we remain equal all of our lives and it doesn’t mean that we earn equally either. There are people in our country who simply work harder than others and they deserve to make more money. Enough said. Bill Gates started out as a college dropout in a garage with some monitors, some keyboards, and a bunch of wires, thinking of how he could make a living out of bettering society. He did not make his first billion by sitting on a street with a sign, reeking of old cheese and bird feces, yelling that rich people should give him money and government should give him healthcare. He worked hard and reaped what he sowed. The Occupy Wallstreeters will reap what they sow eventually…which is nothing.

Listen, I'm not against a person's right to protest. In fact I feel like the freedom of speech is one of our most important. I also agree that there are some very significant problems with our country and our government that need to be fixed. But instead of holding signs and camping out in parks, how about you actually get into politics and make the changes you want to see? If you make a valid point people will follow you and vote for your values.

Instead of Occupy Wall Street, how about occupy a desk, or occupy a job? Why not occupy some self respect, work for what you want, achieve your goals, and stop wasting everyone else's time?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Overstreched U.S. drone pilots face stress risk...seriously?

Okay, so I'm in the military so I understand that people get Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from things that they see and experience while deployed overseas. I know people personally that have dealt with or are dealing with it now. But when a co-worker of mine told me that he saw on the news that U.S. Air Force "pilots" of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are experiencing PTSD, I was literally speachless. Naturally I had to research this for myself for it was completely unbelievable to me. (I will attempt to keep the swearing to a minimum during this rant, but this pisses me off, so bear with me).

What I found was a story in Reuters entitled with the same title that I used for this post (minus the seriously). Let's go over a little background on this subject for those of you who aren't really familiar with these things. UAVs are drone aircraft (meaning they don't have people in them) that we use to fly around and look at stuff and take pictures (in a nutshell). Sometimes they also have weapons on them. The so-called "pilots" of these vehicles are typically overweight Air Force nerds who sit in a dark room with a remote control and fly the drones where they need to go. Sometimes they don't even have to deploy overseas to do it. Okay, so they play an important role, I'll give them that much. However, I don't call the 8 year old that lives on my street a pilot because he has a remote control airplane...and he goes inside afterwards and slays people on online on Call of Duty. I wouldn't go as far as calling him a SPEC OPS soldier either, but I digress. The only difference between the eight year old and these UAV monkeys is about 28 years of age, 30 pounds of fat, and a wicked case of acne.

Newsflash Jumbo: you're not a pilot! A pilot is a dude with a pair of aviator sunglasses and a sweet mustache that can pull a 4g turn at 12,000 ft. while snorting coke and getting a bj, all on 2 1/2 hours of sleep. Not some sniveling little college dropout who's closest thing to female companionship falls somewhere between his mom that he still lives with and the underwear model in the JC Penney catalogue. So we'll call them UAV operators from here on.

The report noted that 17% of UAV operators experience "clinical distress" while 28% of soldiers returning from Iraq experience it. Are you kidding me?! So let me get this straight...per average, there are only 11% percent more combat soldiers (guys who storm into decrepit villages mowing down terrorists, winning hearts and minds of locals, who sometimes have to watch their buddies die in front of them and probably get shot themselves) who experience "clinical distress" than these tubs of shit that play with remote control planes for a living?! Your stress level should be ZERO you jack wagons!

"The bulk of what drone crews do is surveillance, monitoring suspects or compounds. But they also sometimes take out targets. That means pressing a button that can lead to someone's death half a world away, then ending your shift to meet family at, say, a child's soccer practice. The transition can be difficult for soldiers at places like Creech Air Force Base in Nevada." (Reuters)

That's a direct quote from the article. Hmm. Sounds pretty cut and dry to me. Let's see, on the one hand I've got this Army Ranger who, after being sprayed with his best friend's blood, shoot's a terrosist in the face from 3 feet away and watches his head explode. Yeah, I can see where stress might be associated with that. Then on the other hand, I've got Fat's McGee, sitting in his roll away chair in a nice air conditioned room choking down Cheezy Poofs and Twinkies. He pushes a button which fires a missile on some unsuspecting bad guys on the other side of the planet. He then turns off his little system, goes home, parks his fat ass in his Lazy Boy, and proceeds to watch his favorite reality TV shows and play World of Warcraft all night. Yeah, real stressful. Granted it's great work he's doing and I'm nothing if not greatful that he's doing it. But don't try and feed me this BS that you're stressed that you may have killed someone today. First of all, you didn't kill anyone. Your drone fired a missile that did. And if you want to get really technical, you got orders from some general who is overall responsible for your entire mission. Even if you feel responible because you pushed the button, you're literally thousands of miles away and watching it on a friggin video monitor. It's basically a video game for you. Do you get all teary eyed when the aliens die on Halo? I didn't think so.

You guys need to realize something. We live in the greatest country in the world and because of this people everywhere hate our guts and want to do us harm...that and because we support Israel. By operating an unmanned drone and blowing these assholes to pieces from afar, you're not only keeping Americans safe, but you're helping out some REAL pilot so that he doesn't have to actually put himself in harms way. You are patriots and I salute you, but man up and don't tell me that you're stressed. You've got the world's easiest job. Live with it and love it.